Volunteer Driver Info & Criminal Record Checks

Parent volunteer drivers are always needed and appreciated.  Please make sure your information on file with the school office is up-to-date so that if the opportunity arises for you to accompany your child’s class on a field trip, you have everything required in place.  We ask that you make sure that you supply this information well in advance of the field trip to avoid last minute concerns or problems with incorrect or insufficient information.

Criminal Record Check

If you have completed a criminal record check for the school already you do not need to do another one (they are held on file and considered valid for 5 years and you can move the information with your child to middle school if it is within the 5 year time frame from when it was first obtained).  We are only able to accept criminal record checks that are submitted through the school.

1.  The easiest and quickest way to complete a criminal record check is online.  Please visit this website https://justice.gov.bc.ca/criminalrecordcheck and enter Access code: 7UCEUKNRLC

Although our preference is for all criminal record checks be completed online we realize this may not be possible for everyone.  If needed you can pick up a paper Criminal Record Check Form from the office or print from View Royal Website here.

Complete form and come to View Royal office with the following:

    1. Photo
      •  A photograph of passport quality: eyes open and clearly visible; mouth closed and not smiling; no shadows, glare or flash reflections; centered and squared; and taken within 6 months.
      • Please note: the photograph of passport quality does not need to be completed at a business specializing in passport photos; it is only required that the photo be of passport quality.
    2. Two pieces of ID
      • Acceptable Primary Identification
        • B.C. Driver’s License
        • BCID
        • BC Services Card (must have photo)
        • Canadian birth certificate
        • Passport
        • Canadian Citizenship Card
        • Permanent Resident Card
        • Canadian Record of Landing / Canadian Immigration Identification Record
      • Acceptable Secondary Identification
        • School Identification Card (student card)
        • Bank card (only if applicant’s name is on the card)
        • Credit card (only if applicant’s name is on the card)
        • Foreign birth certificate (a baptismal certificate is not acceptable)
        • Canadian or U.S. driver’s license
        • Naturalization certificate
        • Canadian Forces identification
        • Police identification
        • Foreign Affairs Canada or consular identification
        • Vehicle registration (only if applican’t signature is shown)
        • Picture employee ID card
        • Canadian Firearms License (PAL)
        • Social Insurance Card (new style without signature strip not acceptable)
        • BC Care Card
        • BC Services Card (with or without photo)
        • Secure Certificate of Indian Status
        • Parole Certificate Identification
        • Correctional Service Conditional Release Card

2.  All other documentation needs to be updated EVERY SCHOOL YEAR, which includes:

  • A copy of your driver’s license
  • A copy of your vehicle registration (page 1 of your ICBC insurance documents)
  • A copy of your liability insurance, showing a minimum of $1,000,000.00 coverage (page 2 of your ICBC insurance documents, or a combination of documents if you hold private insurance)
  • A recent driver’s abstract (called “Personal Driving Record“) for 5 years.  You can obtain a driver’s abstract by contacting ICBC at 1-800-663-3051 or by going online to http://www.icbc.com/driver-licensing/getting-licensed/Pages/Your-driving-record.aspx
  • A new school Volunteer Driver Information and Authorization form (available through the office).

Please note that all personal information is shredded upon expiry.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding these requirements, please contact the school office at 250-479-1671.